Welcome To.....

Hi everyone this blog will be our travel to the world of our own.To travel to our world, we will post our favorite movie, anime, song, or anything under the sun. Sometime our experience. It would be happy, sad, and crazy ride. So set back and relax. Love is on the air.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


We have a 1 dog and 2 cats in our house i love them all even if sometimes there mess up our kitchen anyway my dogs name is chokie a monster big dog but he is my 2nd dog my first dog name is goffy he died when we first move in on our previous home. My cats name are ming2x! and tagpi there are so sweet and tehy are part of my family. I always love animals if i remember i have a pair of rabbits but they died so it makes me feel sad whenever i remember that when they die i cried. I remember when i was a kid i always get bitten by a dog because i'm so kulet but i get angry if i see someone who is hurting there pet or animals who have to suffer before dying and be eaten up for food i feel sorry for there poor soul so for me we don't have to be cruel to the animals and respect there right to leave their life.